Concrete Patio Power Washing

Power Washing Brick Patios

Over time, dirt and grime can build up on your brick patio, causing it to look dull and unattractive. But you don’t have to worry: with a little effort, you can clean your brick patio and make it look like new again! The best way is power washing brick patios. However, this method can be risky if you don’t know how to use it properly.

Wear the Right Gear

When you power wash your brick patio, it’s important to wear the right gear. This includes a waterproof rain jacket and rubber or latex gloves that allow you to grip the pressure washer without risking water or chemicals getting into your hands. This is especially important if you have children or pets that frequent the area. It can also be helpful if you have a pool.

The first step is to read the owner’s manual for your pressure washer and find out what type of soap it’s designed to use. Some machines require specific mixes of soap or other products to get the best results.

Power Washing Brick Patios
Power Washing Brick Patios

Read the Pressure Washer’s Instructions

If you’re considering power washing your brick patio, it’s important to know how to do it correctly. If you don’t, your bricks may become damaged or discolored in the process.

It’s also easy to make the mistake of choosing the wrong nozzle or using too much pressure. This can cause significant damage to pavers, bricks, and concrete, resulting in pitting, lines, or other surface degradation.

You should always read the manufacturer’s instructions before you use any cleaning equipment, including pressure washers. They’ll give you the best guidance on how to clean your outdoor surfaces without causing any damage.

Use the Right Amount of Pressure

Over time, dirt and grime can build up on brick patios, making them look dull. Power washing can help to remove these stains and restore the surface of your brick patio to its original state.

When power washing brick, it is important to use the right amount of pressure. If you use too much, you will damage your bricks and leave them unusable.

To properly clean your brick, start with a low-pressure spray pattern and work up to higher pressures slowly. Then, move slowly and use mostly sweeping motions to remove the dirt and detergent from your bricks.

Don’t Get the Stone Wet

When power washing brick patios, it’s important to avoid getting the stone wet. This will leave stains on the bricks and make them look worse than they did before you started cleaning.

Moss and dirt are the biggest threats to a beautiful brick patio, but other debris can also be a problem. This includes weeds, dirt, and other growth that grows in the joints between pavers.

Power Washing Brick Patios
Power Washing Brick Patios

Fortunately, there are commercial patio cleaners designed to remove moss, dirt, and other grime. They often have stronger solutions than sponge cleans so you won’t have to scrub as hard.

If you don’t have a commercial cleaner, you can try using a mixture of dish soap and table salt. This works well for removing moss and dirt on brick.

Don’t Use Bleach

Bleach is a powerful disinfectant that can kill bacteria, mold and moss that could be present on your patio. However, it can also cause breathing problems and a stinging sensation in the eyes and nose.

It can also trigger asthma attacks in people who are already diagnosed with the disease. This is why it’s important to avoid using it when power washing brick patios.

Red Door Pro Wash – Fredericksburg
19 Baron Park Rd Suite 105, Fredericksburg, VA 22405
(540) 732-7737

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